Evil Skins is probably the most popular French skinhead band. Their music and vocals were great but the lyrics were very hard to understand because of the abusive use of argot
(parisian slang that can be compared to
cockney in London) and the use also of verlan which is another kind of slang spoken in France that consist of changing the phonetic orders in a word has Fesni instead of Snif in the singer's name. This is their only LP prodused on their own label (EVIL 2) in collaboration with Rock-O-Rama
in my opinion and many others too it's THE best french oi! band true working class, awesome music and non-pc lyrics, don't take them too seriously cos they were supposed (in'87) to be a white power band but with an iranian singer and a jew in the band!!! only in france, i guess... the lyrics had to be taken to the 10th degree, take a listen to make your mind, cheers!!!
evilskin is a french rac band ! not working class ! not popular for trojan french skins ! french oi is not evilskin ! visit my blog "TONDEUZ'n'SPIKE" if you are interest !